Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Now That NBC Is Making Promises... A Few Suggestions

On Monday, January 5, Brian William announced at the top of The NBC Nightly News intro that the network will be “making a promise” to Barack Obama’s children in that evening’s broadcast.

Turns out the “promise” was that unless something concerning them becomes newsworthy, NBC won’t feature the president-elect’s children on its broadcasts.

Now that NBC News is in the business of "making promises," here are some few suggestions for others it should consider making, that might be just a bit more meaningful and consequential:

  • A promise to never again act as a willing, global transmitter of jihadist propaganda and blood libel, by hiring (or unquestioningly accepting reports from) terrorist-approved “stringers,” as sources for stories and video.
    Recent examples - here, here and here.

  • A promise to learn to distinguish between murderers and the murdered --- and terrorists and the terrorized.
    This will enable NBC to never again attempt to equivocate between Israel’s persistent desire to survive and protect its citizens – and militant jihadists’ persistent desire to terrorize and exterminate Israelis (and Jews in general).
    It will also enable the network to confidently prevent any jihadist-apologist from appearing anywhere on the network, if he/she calls Israel's long-overdue retaliation against Hamas "genocide," akin to what the Nazis did to the Jews --- or calls the Gaza Strip "a concentration camp," akin to Auschwitz or Bergen-Belsen.

  • A promise to send every one of its producers and on-air personalities through a course in Economics 101 for Non-Leftists.
    This will enable them to grasp the fact that contrary to what they’ve been taught, capitalism – voluntary relationships, vigorously-enforced private property rights, and limited, constitutional government – is the root cause of the greatest advances in freedom and prosperity. Here are a few good resources for course previews: Walter Williams, Thomas Sowell.

  • A promise to send every one of its producers and on-air personalities through a course in The U.S. Constitution for Non-Leftists.
    This will enable them to
    grasp the fact that contrary to what they’ve been taught, this document is not a blank check on ever-increasing government power over every aspect of citizens’ lives and the economy. To the contrary, certain contradictions notwithstanding, it is primarily an articulation of the rights of the individual, and an iron leash on the defined power of government.
    (Bonus: When added to a course in Political Ethics for Non-Leftists, they will learn that to confer a "right" to any material value or service upon an individual, means conferring upon that person the "right" to enslave the source of that service or value, and confiscate the values that he/she produces - under force of law.)
    Here are some good resources for a course preview: "The Nature Of Government," and "Man's Rights," by Ayn Rand.

  • A promise to send every one of its producers and on-air personalities through a course in American History for Non-Leftists.
    This will enable them to
    grasp the fact that contrary to what they’ve been taught, despite its comparatively short history (and EuroSocialists', jihadists' and American academia's hysterical propaganda), America – and its capitalist system – has been responsible for enhancing, extending and saving the lives of more people than all the nations of the world, combined.

  • A promise to send every one of its producers and on-air personalities through a course in Basic Journalistic Ethics for Non-Leftists.
    This will enable them to
    grasp the fact that contrary to what they’ve been taught, the purpose of a news organization is to report news – not to make the news, or be seduced by the power to shape events. They will also be enabled to dispel the notion that their mission is “to afflict the comforted, and comfort the afflicted,” as has been their modus operandi for the last half-century.

  • A promise to institute a recruitment program for aspiring and professional journalists and producers who have already taken the above courses (whether formally or informally), so that they may at least have a token presence in NBC’s offices.

  • A promise to stop protecting Barack Obama at every turn – concealing his unsavory relationships and subversive beliefs – while breathlessly cheerleading his every word and utterance (whether shirtless or otherwise).
    Here are a few good introductory resources, courtesy of Expedio: "
    Twelve Key Questions That The MSM Should Have Asked --- But Refused To," and "The Mainstream Media vs. Race Relations and Electoral Integrity in America."

  • A promise to stop disguising shameless propagandists for collectivist-statist doctrines, such as Keith Olbermann, Chris Matthews, Rachel Maddow and many other on-air personalities, as “journalists.”

  • A promise to visit, and explore the stories covered by, and invite representatives of conservative- and libertarian- oriented websites --- as frequently as they do for those from electronic cesspools of leftist propaganda (HuffPost, DailyKos).
    Some of these heretofore unknown-to-NBC sites include
    American Thinker, JihadWatch, Little Green Footballs, HotAir, Big Hollywood, Sweetness & Light, Atlas Shrugs, Gateway Pundit, The Gathering Storm, The People's Cube, RedState, and Moonbattery.

Think of what a different world we would live within if NBC, and its rivals, would make - and honor - the above promises.

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