Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Twelve Key Questions That The MSM Should Have Asked --- But Refused To


This is a supplement to these essays:
Congratulations To The Mainstream Media; A Call To Patriots

The Mainstream Media vs. Race Relations and Electoral Integrity in America
However much legitimate criticism can be leveled at Sen. McCain's campaign, honest political observers need to ask themselves this question:
How much would the outcome of this election have been impacted, had the mainstream news media (MSM) asked Sen. Obama the following questions, relentlessly, until they got solid answers --- instead of applying a racist double-standard, in which they insulated him from exposure to such legitimate inquiries?
As you consider these questions, keep in mind the scowling, condescending, elitist, over-the-glasses interrogation that the MSM put Gov. Palin through, as part of their relentless effort to demonstrate what they alleged was her unfitness for office.

Lastly, keep in mind that all of these questions are based in facts that were known, or could have been uncovered with a minimal amount of research, starting when Sen. Obama announced his candidacy in early 2006, and to the present day.

Note: The links that support each of these questions are contained in this essay.


(1) "Sen. Obama, a lawsuit has been filed in Pennsylvania and other states, alleging that you are not a naturally-born U.S. citizen, and therefore, under the Constitution, are ineligible to run for president. Your campaign has provided only a 'Certificate of Live Birth,' which as you must know, is not a substitute for a birth certificate. Your campaign has repeatedly filed for dismissal of this lawsuit. If you are, in fact, a naturally-born citizen, why can you not provide a legitimate birth certificate?"
(Follow-up: "Sen. Obama, that's not an answer. Why is it so difficult for you to answer this question?")
(2) "Sen. Obama, since practically the start of your professional career and to the present day, you have immersed yourself in the writings of communists and anti-American subversives, and surrounded yourself with those who share their principles. Is there any aspect of the writings of, say, Karl Marx, that you disagree with, in principle?"
(Follow-up: "Sen. Obama, that's not an answer. For example, one of the foundational principles of communism according to Marx, is 'From each according to his ability, to each according to his need.' Do you agree or disagree with this principle, and why?")

(3) "Sen. Obama, you have repeatedly said that 'We are our brothers' keepers.' Yet you have a half-brother in Kenya, who lives in a ramshackle hut, on $1 per month. You have never sent him a cent, yet you are worth an estimated $4.5 million, and live in a mansion that you acquired under questionable circumstances from felon Tony Rezko. How do you reconcile your statements with your actions? And how do you expect Americans to 'sacrifice' on behalf of each other, when they cannot look to you as one who lives by, and practices, the moral principle you espouse?"
(Follow-up: "Sen. Obama, that's not an answer. Why is it so difficult for you to answer this question?")

(4) "Sen. Obama, the leaders of Iran, North Korea, Saudi Arabia, Libya, Cuba and Venezuela have all endorsed you, as has the terrorist group Hamas. In fact, in the Hamas-controlled Gaza Strip, where nothing goes on without Hamas's approval, there is at least one group of 'activists' who are making phone calls to America to support you, and engaging in Internet advocacy on your behalf. What is it about you, and/or your policies, that has earned the praise and support of this rogue's gallery of America's adversaries?"
(Follow-up: "Sen. Obama, that's not an answer. Why is it so difficult for you to answer this question?")

(5) "Sen. Obama, you have repeatedly said that you will cut or eliminate vital aspects of the U.S. military and national security arsenal, including our Future Warfare Systems, our missile defense technologies, and upgrades to our nuclear weapons. In an age when terrorists are fervently seeking, if not developing nuclear weapons capabilities, and we are obviously going to be facing both conventional and unconventional threats for decades to come, how can you justify your stances? And as a follow-up, do you believe that your stated policies may have induced the aforementioned rogue's gallery of American adversaries to come out in strong support of you?"
(Follow-up: "Sen. Obama, that's not an answer. Why is it so difficult for you to answer this question?")

(6) "Sen. Obama, you recently made a series of contradictory statements on vital national security and foreign policy matters. For example, you said that Jerusalem must remain the undivided capitol of Israel; yet within hours, you said that it is subject to 'negotiation.' You said that Iran, North Korea and Venezuela are 'tiny countries,' and don't pose a significant threat to America. Yet within hours, you backpedaled, and claimed that Iran poses a 'grave threat' to America. There are many more of these contradictory statements that I could recite, on matters that are critical to America's national security. How can you claim that you are best qualified to lead America, when these statements indicate a very deep misunderstanding of the nature of the threats we face, and inconsistencies in your foreign policy stances?
(Follow-up: "Sen. Obama, that's not an answer. Why is it so difficult for you to answer this question?")

(7) "Sen. Obama, in a July 2007 interview with Matt Lauer, you said that if Congress disagrees with an order that the President, acting in his role as Commander-In-Chief, issued to our military, then it has the moral and legal authority to countermand that order. [Show video of interview.] Sir, you promote yourself as a professor of Constitutional law. How can one consider you to be a credible candidate for President, when you exhibit such a profoundly incorrect understanding of our Constitution?"

(Follow-up: "Sen. Obama, that's not an answer. Why is it so difficult for you to answer this question?")

(8) "Sen. Obama, for twenty years, you attended the sermons of a demonstrably racist, anti-American, terrorist-endorsing religious figure, Rev. Jeremiah Wright. Yet you claim you never heard any of his incendiary statements. For over ten years, you have willfully associated yourself with an unrepentant domestic terrorist, William Ayers. Yet you claim you weren't aware of the fact that he is still rallying support for a communist takeover of America, and at one time urged his fellow activists to murder 25 million Americans who would not submit to this ideology. For many years, you've had extensive relationships with Khalid al-Mansour and Rashid Khalidi, two notorious Jew-hating, jihad-endorsing Islamists. Yet you claim you didn't know of their incendiary statements, and their affiliations with known terrorist organizations. Finally, in 2006, while on a taxpayer-funded trip to Kenya, you enthusiastically supported Raila Odinga, a militant Islamist who engaged in barbaric violence when he lost the election for the presidency, and vowed to instill sharia law in that nation. Yet you deny knowledge of any of this. What do you say to ordinary Americans who feel that by your willingness to engage in these relationships, including with terrorists, you are unfit to be a U.S. Senator, let alone President?"
(Follow-up: "Sen. Obama, that's not an answer. Why is it so difficult for you to answer this question?")

(9) "Sen. Obama, we've learned through the Department of Defense that should a person with your personal and business relationships with unrepentant domestic terrorists (whom you call your 'friends') attempt to enlist in our armed forces, even at the lowest level, as an E-1, you would be rejected. Furthermore, we've learned from a retired top official at the FBI that if you applied to work there, even as an entry-level clerk, you would be rejected, and would not be able to get even a low-level security clearance. How, sir, can you legitimately claim that you are best qualified to lead our military and law enforcement communities, when, due to your choice of 'friends,' you would be rejected (as a security risk) for entry in the lowest levels of the employees that you'd be commanding? How could you look a young soldier in the eye, whom you may be sending into mortal combat, and claim that you are qualified to be his top officer, when you would be ineligible to wear his or her uniform, due to your affiliations with terrorists, etc.?"
(Follow-up: "Sen. Obama, that's not an answer. Why is it so difficult for you to answer this question?")

(10) Sen. Obama, while you were an Illinois state senator, you lobbied and voted against a measure that would protect the lives of children who somehow survive botched abortion procedures (the Born Alive Infant Protection Act). Even the most ardent pro-abortion activists in the U.S. Senate and beyond were united in supporting this measure, yet you were against it. Then, you and your campaign have engaged repeatedly in obfuscating and misrepresenting the reasons behind your opposition to it. What is the truth, Sen. Obama? What is the real reason behind your opposition to this measure?
(Follow-up: "Sen. Obama, that's not an answer. Why is it so difficult for you to answer this question?")

(11) "Sen. Obama, you promised to accept public financing for your campaign, then broke that promise. Most recently, it was determined that your campaign deliberately removed safeguards that would prevent illegitimate donations from being accepted on your website --- and documentation has been uncovered that you've been accepting millions of dollars in illegal contributions, from places such as the Gaza Strip. Furthermore, according to credit-monitoring service LifeLock, they are getting thousands of calls per day concerning fraudulent donations to your campaign that are being charged to unsuspecting donors, including McCain supporters. How do you explain all this?"

(Follow-up: "Sen. Obama, that's not an answer. Why is it so difficult for you to answer this question?")

(12) "Sen. Obama, you have repeatedly misrepresented your affiliations with Rev. Wright, William Ayers, Tony Rezko, Railia Odingo, Khalid al-Mansour, Rashid Khalidi, ACORN and others, as well as your position on, and actions concerning the Born Alive Infant Protection Act. When there is so much irrefutably documentation that contradicts your misrepresentations, why do you continue to obfuscate and essentially lie to the American people? How can they trust you to tell them the truth about anything now or in the future, when you have lied to them about so many things in your past, today?"
(Follow-up: "Sen. Obama, that's not an answer. Why is it so difficult for you to answer this question?")

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